We hate bad people obviously. We hate corrupt politicians, we hate crime doers, we hate liars, basically, we hate for a reason. And for some reasons, we hate some anime characters as well. Maybe hate is not the right word for these 10 anime characters. We probably despise some of them to the bones! My god, I have just started and I’m already hatin’. Anyway, let’s start naming them one by one.

1. Shou Tucker – Full Metal Alchemist

He’s probably the most hated character on this list. You just can’t let him live after what he did to his daughter and dog. If ever I get a chance I will kill him with my own hands.

2. Akainu Sakazuki – One Piece

And for sure he’s one of the most hated characters in One Piece along with Doflamingo. For me I will say Doflamingo is much worse than Akainu after what he did to Dressrosa but what made Akainu much popular and much hated is that he was the one who killed Ace, the fans’ favorite along with Luffy and Shanks.

3. Koichi Shido – Highschool of the Dead

Watching the action-packed series with unparalleled drama, hotness and sexiness of characters made High School of the Dead a highly recommended series but along with such positive reviews, Koichi Shido left a despising image in the series as he was hated by probably all otaku fans that have watched the show. Nobody comes close with his foolishness and craziness.

4. Light Yagami – Death Note

Obviously he got all the hate from killing L but not only that, some fans out there voiced out probably the most dramatic lines you’ll find in anime forums. The fans questioned him who is he to judge people? Who is he to decide good or evil? Man that hit me right in the feels!

5. Mr. Satan – Dragon Ball Z

You’re not expecting him to come out right? But admit it, you hated this bastard for real. Although he has a little space in our hearts for saving a little dog and for some good deeds he have done.

6. Griffith – Berserk

Murdering his entire friends and comrades etched an inerasable hate in Berserk fans.

7. Nobuyuki Sugou – Sword Art Online

He’s one of the characters I’m talking about in my intro. He don’t deserved to be hated, he deserved to be despised, loathed, detest and yes people, say every hate word you have to say to this rapist stupid f***! After what he did to poor Asuna, he deserve to get grinded in a f**kin blender.

8. Haruno Sakura – Naruto

People say she’s weak, useless and mean but probably the real reason why she was hated  was because of her stupid obsession for a man who doesn’t even cared for her and even tried to kill her then did the same thing to the man who always watching her back, supporting her feelings and protecting her with his life. Good lord, I thought I saw this kind of character countless times already in real life drama movies.

9. Suzaku Kururugi – Code Geass

People greatly hate hypocrites, and most people find Suzaku a hypocrite so that’s probably the main reason why he’s hated so much.

10. Orihime Inoue – Bleach

I swear I don’t have any idea why there’s so much hate for Inoue. I personally like the girl! And please don’t think that I like her just because of her boobies and good looks, that’s not true folks!

What do you think? Who’s the character from there you hated most? Let me know in the comments section below. Also, there are so many characters I did not include so be sure to stay tuned for the part 2. If there’s still many characters in line, I’ll make a part 3 so be sure to let me know your suggestions in the comments section!